Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Compile JStock in Netbean 7

1. Download all these files

Source code - http://sourceforge.net/projects/jstock/files/jstock/1.0.6f/jstock-1.0.6f-src.zip/download

Data File and bin - http://sourceforge.net/projects/jstock/files/jstock/1.0.6f/jstock-1.0.6f-bin.zip/download

2. Unzip all files to C:\jstock
If there are some duplicated files, just overwrite them.

3. Install JDK1.6 if you don't have it.

4. Open Netbeans IDE 7.0.1:  Select File -> Open Project -> Choose C:\jstock

5. In Run section, specify your working directory to C:\jstock

6. Right click on jstock in the project list -> select properties
    - In Libraries -> Set Java Platform to JDK1.6
    - In Compile section, press 'Add JAR/Folder', add ALL jar files which are located in jstock\lib folder.

7. Add junit library in Compile-test Test Libraries section.

8. Right click on jstock in the project list -> select run. (or clean and build first if you like.)

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