There are two rules for a valid playlist
1 - At least M songs have to be played between any two occurrences of the same song.
2 - Every songs at least played once.
Firstly, let us just consider the first rule.
1. If we list out all invalid and valid arrangements, they can be show in a big searching tree:
2. If the parent break the 1st rule, so as its children.
3. If a i-th layer node has more than M-1 ancestors, a valid node just can have N-M choices in next branch, so it will have N-M children.
Let us define DP[i] as following
DP[i]=numbers of leaves(playlists) in i-th layer.
==>DP[i+1]= DP[i]*(N-i) where i < M
DP[i]*(N-M) where i>=M
==>DP[i+1]= DP[i]*(max(N-i,N-M))
==>DP[i]= DP[i-1]*(max(N-i+1,N-M))
where 1<M<N<P<=100
Now, let us consider the problem with both first and second rules.
1. Define rule2(N) = it is true when all songs 1....N have been played once.
2. If the parent meets rule2(N), so as its children.
i.e. If a playlist uses N songs, it will be the same as it is longer.
3. If a playlist meets rule2(N-1), it must not meet rule2(N)
i.e. If a playlist just uses N-1 songs, this playlist cannot use other songs.
4. If the parent meets rule2(j), only (N-j) choice of its children meet rule2(j+1).i.e. If a playlist just uses N-1 songs, this playlist cannot use other songs.
i.e. If a playlist is using j songs, the only way to make this playlist using j+1 songs is:
Add a new song which is not belong to 1...j.
And you can have N-j choices in this case.
Add a new song which is not belong to 1...j.
And you can have N-j choices in this case.
Let us define DP[i][j] as following
DP[i][j] = # of playlist in ith layer (play list length=i), if we just consider j songs (1....j)
and the playlist meet the rules 1(non-repeat in last m song)
and rule2(j)=(Just j songs are picked).
and rule2(j)=(Just j songs are picked).
DP[i][j] in i-th layer is contributed by the values of two types of playlist in its upper layer, (i-1)th layer.
- This playlist meet Rule2(N-1), but must not meet Rule2(N).
so, no playlist exist in both DP[i-1][N] and DP[i-1][N-1]
- If we want next level playlist meet Rule2(N), there are only (1) choice on the song.
That mean only one child for this node in layer (i-1)th.
- In general, there will be N-(j-1) choices for a new song in order to make this playlist meet rule2(j) .
==> DP[i][j] += DP[i-1][j-1]*(N-j+1)
Type 2 : Playlists were counted in DP[i-1][N]
All playlists have been counted in DP[i-1][N] meet rule 1 and 2.
5. If the parent meet the 2nd rule, so as its children.
6. If the parent break the 1st rule, so as its children.
==> If the parent keep the 1st rule, there should be N-M choices for a child to pick a new song in order to keep rule1.
In general, there should be j-M choices for a playlist in D[i-1][j]
5. If the parent meet the 2nd rule, so as its children.
6. If the parent break the 1st rule, so as its children.
==> If the parent keep the 1st rule, there should be N-M choices for a child to pick a new song in order to keep rule1.
In general, there should be j-M choices for a playlist in D[i-1][j]
But please also notice that if(j<M), this playlist will fail to meet rule 2(M). (j songs are not enough.)
==> DP[i][j] += DP[i-1][j]*(max(j-M,0))
0,0,0,117600,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,(i<j zero area)0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
(j<M zero area)
... <truncated>
Hence, the C++ code will be:
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
#define MOD 1000000007
#define ll long long
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class NoRepeatPlaylist
int numPlaylists(int n,int m,int p)
ll dp[102][102];
return (int)dp[p][n];
#define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++)
#define MOD 1000000007
#define ll long long
#define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class NoRepeatPlaylist
int numPlaylists(int n,int m,int p)
ll dp[102][102];
return (int)dp[p][n];
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